Thursday, 5 April 2018

Samsung on slower growth in DRAM Chip prices

Lately Samsung had released new phones which specifications are getting better and bigger.

There was concern about the cost of DRAM chip prices that could slow the operation of manufacturing and sales.

Having 4 gig RAM and 64 gig ROM made Samsung  Galaxy S9 admirable. Thus, it has led to the profitability of new innovation of the phone to Samsung treasury.

Tuesday, 3 April 2018


Jesus stopped and said, “Call him.” So they called to the blind man, “Cheer up! On your feet! He’s calling you.” Mark 10:49

Bartimaeus was known as blind man. Which occupation could he be doing if not begging? Begging is not recognized job anyway. His life was not appealing to people. People that ought to help him to gain his sight were busy thinking about some cash to give him.

Jesus was passing by on the untiled dusty road and crowd trooping over Him. He didn't respond to Bartimaeus' screaming for help immediately. Jesus heard him  before he began to call  loudly on Jesus but He kept stepping forward until He stopped. He stopped because of a blind man that kept calling on Jesus for help of healing of sight. It was not because there was richest man in town then.

Jesus Christ would have given Bartimaeus for money if he asked for it. His problem was not finance but blindness to see and work to earn a living. Most problems faced by people are not currency but blindness. Blindness is not for seeing alone but vision to see beyond today although nobody knows tomorrow but if you know Jesus that knows tomorrow, your faith in Him will create peace in you that surpasses all understanding.

Jesus can still stop for you when you keep calling on Him in truth and Spirit. Letting others to stop you from calling the name of Jesus is like Bartimaeus not receiving sight from Jesus because others attempted to shut his mouth from calling in Jesus and he stopped opening his mouth for Jesus' help.

If your heart keeps calling on Jesus, He knows and your mouth too will not stop calling on Him.